New York City Map
Use the documents below to do the map and its key:
[tabs slidertype= »top tabs »] [tabcontainer]
[tabtext]The 5 boroughs of NY City / Airports[/tabtext] [tabtext]Economics / Finance[/tabtext] [tabtext]Education[/tabtext] [tabtext]Tourism and culture[/tabtext] [tabtext]Decision Making[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer]
CBDs in Manhattan
Midtown Manhattan
Midtown Manhattan is located in the central portion of the city of Manhattan. It is home to some of the most important business centers in the world, including the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building.
Lower Manhattan
Lower Manhattan is home to the “Financial District” of NYC. Lower Manhattan is also known as the “financial capital” of the world. Anyone who is an investment banker in NYC likely works in Lower Manhattan. Wall Street is another popular street located in Lower Manhattan. Many TNCs are headquartered there, such as American Express, Merrill Lynch, CBS, NBC, NY Times, Time Warner, Colgate-Palmolive, etc.
The Port of New York and New Jersey
In 2009 The Port of New York and New Jersey was ranked the 23rd largest port in the world based on total cargo volume. The American Association of Port Authorities ranks the Port of New York/New Jersey as the third busiest port in the United States, based on total imports and exports by weight (American Association of Port Authorities, 2010). New York Harbor is the largest port on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and it supports the most densely populated metropolitan area in North America. The Journal of Commerce recorded that 4,811 ships entered the harbor in 2010, carrying over 32.2 million metric tons of cargo valued at over $175 billion (Leach, 2011). Source:
NYSE / Wall Street
The New York Stock Exchange (abbreviated as NYSE, and nicknamed « The Big Board »), is an American stock exchange located at 11 Wall Street, Lower Manhattan, New York City, New York. It is by far the world’s largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies at US$21.3 trillion as of June 2017. Source:
Museum of Modern Art
Attendance in 2016 was 2.8 million visitors.
Statue of Liberty
The number of visitors to the Statue of Liberty amounted to approximately 4.44 million in 2017. Despite its fame around the world, a relatively small number of people visit the Statue of Liberty each year. The monument did not make it onto a list of the world’s 50 most visited tourist attractions.
UN Headquarters
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member States. The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter. The Purposes of the United Nations are: 1- To maintain international peace and security 2- To develop friendly relations among nations
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New York Metropolitan Area Map
Use the documents below to do the map and its key.
Document 1: New York Metropolitan Area Counties 2013 (source: Wikipedia)
Document 2: Main metropolitan areas in the Greater New York
Here are the 4 main metropolitan areas (try to make proportional circles on your map):
New York–Newark (NY–NJ–CT) 18,351,295 inhabitants
Bridgeport–Stamford (CT–NY) 923,311 inhabitants
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton (PA-NJ) 664,651 inhabitants
New Haven (CT) 562,839 inhabitants
Document 3: Communters in the New York Metropolitan Area
The term “supercommuters” is used to describe folks that spend 90 minutes or more each way on their daily commutes to and from work, and a recent census data analysis by Apartment List found that supercommuting is on the rise in New York, reports the New York Post.
According to the report, New York City has the fourth-largest share of supercommuters in the country with nearly 617,000 people dedicating at least three hours of their daily commute on traveling.
It’s not uncommon for people living in places like Long Island, Yonkers, Whiteplains, Connecticut, New Jersey, and even further to commute to New York City on a daily basis.

Document 4: Interstate 95
Interstate 95 (I-95) is the main Interstate Highway on the East Coast of the United States, running largely parallel to the Atlantic Ocean coast and U.S. Highway , serving areas from Florida to Maine. In general, I-95 serves the major cities of the Eastern Seaboard and metropolitan areas such as Miami, Richmond, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City up to New Haven, Providence, Boston.