5ème SIA – L’Al Andalus, un territoire sous domination musulmane





1 – Make a quick summary (2-3 sentences) of each document using at least two key words below:


Document 1: ‘Mediterranean basin’ ; ‘Visigoths’ ; ‘632’ ; ‘7th-10th century’

Document 2: ‘Umeyyad’ ; ‘Caliphate’ ; ‘Muhammad’ ; ‘prophet’ 30

Document 3: ‘Guadalete’ ; 711 ; ‘Roderic’ ; ‘Tariq’ ; battle’

Document 4: ‘Còrdoba’ ; Al-Andalus’ ; ‘mosque’ ; ‘capital’

Document 5: ‘Mosque’ ; Cordoba’ ; ‘Church’ ; ‘architecture’

Document 6: ‘Christian’ ; muslim’ ; ‘jews’ ; ‘rights’ ; ‘slave’

Document 7: ‘Exchanges’ ; tolerance’ ; ‘music’ ; ‘trade’ ; ‘Damas’


2 – Answer the questions on your activity sheet

3 – Using the answers of the questions,relate the conquest of Hispania by the Umayyad caliphs.



Document 1: Spread of Islam (7th-10th c.)
Islam territory


Document 2: The caliphs and the Umayyad Caliphate



Document 3: The battle of Guadalete
guadalete battle



Document 4: Còrdoba



Document 5: The great Mosque of Còrdoba


Infography Cordoba great mosque


Document 6: Non-muslim in Al-Andalus


Document 7: Spain during the Arabic umayyad reign 

Spain ummayad youtube capture

Author: B. DIDIER